Thursday, December 11, 2014

This Semester

As I am sitting in a hotel room 5 minutes of walking distance from The White House, I am reflecting back on this semester and scrambling to get some work done. But I decided to stop scrambling and take the time to say, wow. This is by far the smartest group of kids I have ever shared a classroom with and it is awesome. The ideas and thoughts you guys put into your projects and work is crazy to me because they are all just so good. You guys are awesome and capable of many things and I am confident that each and every one of you will do great things no matter what. I have gathered a lot from you guys this semester and I thank you for that. With that, keep up the hard work and I am excited to see what the next semester will bring.

Intro to Poetry ( Working Together by David Whyte)

1. The significance of the title is that it tells the central theme of the poem. The central theme of the poem is how working together is important and how it is beneficial. 
2. The tone of the poem is optimistic in which it is very hopeful and confident. 
3. My mood when I read this poem is hopeful about the future. 
4. There is a little bit of a shift but not a complete one. The poem starts out slow then later becomes more optimistic about how working together can do great things. 
5. The theme of the poem is that if everyone works together, many things become more achievable. 

Hamlet Act 3 Remix

Our group collaborated with phonar to find a way to remix the central theme of Hamlet. Phonar sent us a picture that sums up the central theme. In the picture, Hamlet is there but he looks like a ghost. This is exactly how Hamlet feels because he is going through a struggle dealing with his family. The picture is dark and depressing in which Hamlet's situation is. My interpretation of the picture is that it is foreshadowing Claudius' death. The dark grave to me represents Hamlet's father who has already been killed while the lighter grave foreshadows Claudius' death. Hamlet wants to revenge against Claudius for killing his Father and then marrying his mother so the lighter grave represents Claudius' future death by Hamlet killing him.